Touching Spirit was born out of my great love for the Divine and longing to connect at the deepest level. 

I’ve spent this lifetime searching for ways to open my connection to the Divine’s still small voice, that inner knowing, for reassurance and guidance. 

Throughout my journey I have experienced numerous practices and methodologies that have helped me along my path.

What I’ve found is that everything doesn’t work for everybody and we all have to find our own way.  

That realization was a real drag because I wanted it handed to me. I wanted it to be easy and for someone to take me to the Divine playground with them.  I was looking for the flash of awakening that would catapult me into the spiritual bliss I dreamed about.  Didn’t happen. Instead it unfolded gently and almost without notice. 

What I finally learned is that we are all on a very personal journey. We have to find our own answers.  Its been a long time coming, but I’ve finally found MY path. 

Touching Spirit is a compilation of guidance, tools and resources that I’ve gathered and cultivated for my own growth. 

These resources have transformed me and many of my patients and clients throughout the years.  They are designed to empower you and help you on your journey to opening up to the Divine and helping you live your most sacred beautiful life. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed creating them. 



Merina Ty-Kisera, MBA, L.Ac is a Five Elements Acupuncturist based in Asheville North Carolina. She is the creator of the AromaPoint Alchemy Method and the author of “Acupressure with Essential Oils: A Self-Care Guide to Enhance Your Health and Lift Your Spirit”.

Follow on IG @acupressurewithessentialoils